On this page you'll find information on topics that are important for newcomers from abroad. If you have any questions, you can always call us at 0592 - 266 662, or fill in the contact form.

Fill in the contact form (Dutch only)

Visit the town hall

You can visit the town hall by appointment only. You can call 0592 - 266 662 (or +31 592 - 266 662 if you're not in the Netherlands) to make an appointment.

Some of our services cost money. You can pay with your debit card.

Moving within the Netherlands

If you move within the Netherlands, you must inform your new municipality of your arrival within 5 days of moving, or up to 30 days before. You can call 0592 - 266 662 (or +31 592 - 266 662 if you're outside the Netherlands) to make an appointment for your change of address. Please bring your identification.

Moving from abroad: newcomer or resettling in the Netherlands

Are you moving to the municipality of Tynaarlo from abroad (immigration) or will you spend at least 4 of the next 6 months in the Netherlands? Then you will need to register with the municipality in person within 5 days upon arrival. If your partner and/or children have also arrived from abroad, they will need to join you and get registered as well.

If this is your first time living in the Netherlands (or your last time living in the Netherlands was before 1994), call 0592 - 266 662 (or +31 592 - 266 662 if you're outside the Netherlands) to make an appointment. You can find more information about a residence permit on the IND website. Your registration will be final once the IND confirms to the municipality that you are residing in the Netherlands lawfully.

Have you lived in the Netherlands before, call 0592 - 266 662 (or +31 592 - 266 662 if you're outside the Netherlands) to make an appointment for resettlement ('hervestiging').

Moving abroad: emigration

If you will be residing abroad for more than 8 months, you must report this to the municipality. Call 0592 - 266 662 (or +31 592 - 266 662 if you're outside the Netherlands) and make an appointment to do this within 5 working days prior to your departure. Please bring your identification. 

In many countries, you will need a certificate of deregistration. Ask for this certificate when you report your emigration.

Non-EU citizens

If you are not a EU-citizen, you will first have to apply for a residence permit at the IND.

If you live in the Netherlands, you can exchange your valid foreign driving license.

For more information about this, visit the RDW website.

The Burgerservicenummer (BSN) is a unique personal number in the Netherlands. Anyone who is registered in the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP) will receive a BSN. This occurs at birth and immigration.

After immigration, the municipality can register you in the BRP once they have received permission from the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND), and you have a valid residence permit. This may take up to 2 months. The day after enrollment in the BRP other government agencies (such as child support, tax authorities) will receive your new data.

Seasonal workers who will stay in the Netherlands for only a couple of months can receive a BSN at the RNI-desk (Registration for non-residents of the Netherlands) at the city of Groningen. Make an appointment through www.groningen.nl or by calling 050 - 367 70 40 (or +31 50 - 367 7040 if youre outside the Netherlands). Registration in the municipality (BRP) is not necessary.

Are you living abroad? Then you can also authorize your Dutch family or friends to do this for you. This person has to bring your authorization and a copy of your identification.

You can make an appointment to request an extract or certificate by calling 0592 - 266 662.

Types of extracts and certificates

The municipality can provide you with a certificate of birth, marriage, partnership and death. You can request the certificate at the municipality that originally made the document.

An extract is an official statement from the Basic Register of Persons (BRP) that states your name and current address. You can request this extract at the municipality where you live. A 'certificate of deregistration' is also an extract.

Digital waste calendar

Do you want to know when your container will be emptied? Use the digital waste calender. On the website Mijn Afvalwijzer you can find the digital waste calender.

Rules for your container

  • Make sure that your container is placed outside before 07.30 am.
  • The container has to be placed with the handles of the lid towards the street.
  • The lid of the container has to be closed.
  • Containers that are too heavy will not be emptied.
  • Don’t press the garbage in the container, otherwise it will not be emptied completely.

How to sort your waste

Regular waste - grey colored container

Regular waste is the waste that remains when we have sorted the other kinds of waste. Regular waste is unsuitable for recycling and it is burned in stead of being re-used.

Organic waste - green colored container
  • Peelings and scraps from vegetables, fruit and potatoes
  • Residues of cooked food
  • Residues of meat and fish (also shells, fish bones and bones)
  • Peanuts and nuts
  • Egg shells
  • Tea-bags and coffee filters
  • Bread and cheese
  • Small pruning waste, grass, leaves and weed
  • Cut flowers and houseplants
  • Manure from small pets with straw

Plastic packages, Metallic packages and Drink cartons (PMD) - grey colored container with an orange lid

Plastic packages
  • Plastic bags and bottles
  • Plastic packaging of processed meats and cheese etc.
  • Bottles for cleaning-, bath- and shower products
  • Tubs for butter, sauces etc.
Metallic packages
  • Beverage cans and syrup bottles
  • Aluminum bowls
  • Cans for dog- and cat food
Drink cartons
  • Drink carton for juice, milk etc.
  • Beverage cartons
  • Cartons for soup or pasta sauce
  • Potato chip bags
  • Paint cans
  • Aerosols
  • Packaging of chemical products
  • Styrofoam
  • Items of hard plastic (garden chairs, buckets, laundry baskets etc.)

Paper - collection in cardboard boxes

You have to pick up a box yourself, for example in the supermarket.

  • Newspapers
  • Folders
  • Magazines
  • Boxes
  • Letters
  • Envelopes
  • Egg cartons
  • Photo paper
  • Laminated paper
  • Carbon paper


Throughout the municipality you’ll find special containers for textiles (clothing,shoes, bags, towels etc.)


Throughout the municipality you’ll find special containers for glass waste (bottles for wine, beer etc.) and jars.